6 Skills to Look for When Hiring a Finance Professional

February 28, 2023

Hiring a financial professional is an important decision; this person will directly influence your organization's success. It's crucial to ensure you find talent that both meshes well with your organization and has the needed skills to help drive the growth your business desires.

In this blog, we share 6 qualities companies should look for when hiring for their critical financial roles.

Project Management

Your chosen financial professional must have excellent project management skills. Financial positions require the ability to multi-task regularly and continually switch between multiple projects. Your chosen team member must understand how to manage all these moving initiatives and adequately allocate time towards each task.

Not to mention, finance has tight deadlines that must be met regularly, adding another layer of importance to this skill set.


Problems will inevitably occur, and when they do, you'll want to have the confidence that your financial partner can overcome these issues and find creative solutions. Remember, you are hiring additional help to take added stress and assignments off your plate, so you must be able to rely on chosen team to handle day-to-day problems independently.

Data Driven

It should go without saying that you'll want your financial partner to thoroughly enjoy analyzing data and forming strategic insights based on their findings. Ensure your partner can demonstrate logical thinking to gather and analyze various information across your finances. They must then be able to communicate these findings to you and your team in accessible and meaningful ways.


Your financial partner should have strong leadership skills to support your organization effectively. Effective communication, teamwork, and collaboration across multiple teams will be essential to their success in their day-to-day activities.

Whether delegating tasks to a team, switching between financial roles as necessary, or providing insight to key stakeholders, your partner should be comfortable taking the lead and making important decisions daily that help move your organization forward.

Self–Motivated & Team-Focused

Self-motivation is crucial in almost any organizational role, and finance is no different. The last thing you should need to worry about is whether your financial partner will complete their tasks on time. You must be able to rely on your partner to complete and delegate tasks without constant check-ins. This also means you'll want to ensure they have the mindset to push through days when their motivation may be lacking, and they face multiple challenges.

Your finance partner should also be keen on working as a part of a team and open to taking others' feedback and suggestions. Finance can bleed into many areas of an organization, so a willingness to collaborate and communicate with multiple team members is essential.


To maintain efficient financial processes, implementing innovative technology and software is crucial. You'll want to ensure your financial partner can proficiently utilize various software and tools. It's important to note that they do not need to know how to use every software; instead, they possess a willingness to learn and seek out new software to help make your organization more efficient.

At The Finance Group, our seasoned financial professionals have the knowledge, experience, and strategic insight to help your organization achieve its financial goals. Whether you're looking for short-term support or a long-term partner who can support your business growth, we can help. Reach out to us today!

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